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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is HSG?

A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a very common fertility test that most women struggling with infertility will undergo.
Hysterosalpingogram (Uterotubogram) or HSG is a specialized X-ray of the uterus and tubes. Doctors refer to it as a HSG. Most infertile women who have done a HSG prefer not to refer to it at all, because it is quite a painful procedure. Most women will experience a considerable amount of pain. You should be prepared for this - and taking a pain-killer prior to the procedure will help to reduce the pain.
This test of the uterus and tubes allows the doctor to confirm that the uterine cavity is normal; and that the fallopian tubes are open.
An HSG is done after the menstrual flow has just stopped - usually on Day 6 or 7 of the period, at which time the lining of the uterus is thin. It is done in an X-ray Clinic. The patient is advised to take an antibiotic and a pain-killer before the procedure by many doctors. After being positioned on the X-ray table, the doctor places a special instrument into the cervix, called a cervical cannula, which is made of metal. Many doctors now prefer to use a balloon catheter , as this makes the procedure less painful. A radio-opaque dye (a liquid which is opaque to X-rays) is then injected into the uterine cavity. This is done slowly under pressure, and pictures are taken - preferably under an image intensifier. The passage of the dye into the uterine cavity and then into the tubes and from there into the abdomen can be seen; and X-ray pictures taken. These provide a permanent record.

Interesting video it may help I haven't try it but sound logical.
Tests that are good to take before becoming pregnant.

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