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Monday, October 18, 2010

Acceleration and induction of labor

Obstetric practice today apply several methods to speed up and when required for induce labor. All are safe for mother and baby.
How specifically can cause birth?
Birth can be caused by complex procedure, in the case of using all or some of them. The elements are:
  • ·         Mechanical enlargement of cervical
  • ·         Detachment of the lower pole of the membranes;
  • ·         Use of oxytocin on uterine contractions
  • ·         Artificial pop of membranes
  • ·         Application of drugs that reduce pain (analgesic) and antispasmodics
  • ·         Funds that help the expansion of the uterine cervix. The latest use prostaglandins.
What are prostaglandins?
Prostaglandins affect the maturity of the cervix, causing uterine contractions and reduce the time of birth. Form of vaginal tablets or gel is applied cervical or to the vaginal vault in the back once or at regular intervals. The manner of their application depends on the status of women, primarily from the so-called pelvic score. This is a set of indicators determining the maturity of the cervix. It is very important for the doctor to properly assess the impact of prostaglandins on the onset of labor and a further move, because they have side effects - may create hypertonic of the uterus, often after contractions which lead to suffering of the fetus. The indications for the use of prostaglandins should be reasonably extended, as the favorable impact has been demonstrated.
Are there cases where it is required to proceed with the induction of labor?
There are medical indications for labor induction, for example, if there is evidence that the fetus suffers; the status of women does not allow her to carry her pregnancy (worsening of heart function, diabetes, hypertension). In all these and other conditions, birth generally should be done before the scheduled term.
The term could be precisely defined by an experienced specialist using modern ultrasound and it could pass and the baby is still in the womb. If the delay is 2-3 days, do not worry. It is required to visit your doctor for examination.

Why there is a danger?
The placenta is the first children's kitchen. That is how the fetus derived from the mother's body everything needed for normal development.  In case of delay in delivery, the placenta changes and that can seriously disrupt the baby and make him/her suffer.  It is true that knowing nature has provided mechanisms through which for a short period the baby is able to adapt to the adverse conditions in the womb. These mechanisms, however, could work only for a specified time.
How to avoid the risk?
The most favorable is the labor to begin and proceed in the 40 th weeks of gestation. If this does not happen spontaneously, the process can be caused by so-called, induction. To induce birth, the mother must be received in the maternity hospital. Approximately 17% of women end up by inducing labor. Before proceeding to the induction process, the OB makes vaginal examination to assess the readiness of the cervix birth, fetal ultrasound monitor and track children's heart tones. There are some absolute contraindications for induction: total placental, mismatch between the size of the pelvis of the mother and size of the fetus and lateral placement of the fetus.
Why induction?
Induction aims baby to be born in time to avoid the risks associated with particular adverse conditions in the womb. The method can be applied not only during transmission but also in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, diabetes in pregnant, Rh-incompatibility, prematurely fractured membranes, changes in amniotic waters, early partial detachment of the placenta and others.
How to induce labor?
 Induction takes place after making the necessary research and choosing the most appropriate drug or drug combination. In this method, membranes are opened, which is absolutely painless manipulation. To prepare the cervix and uterus for delivery is using medicated gel, vaginal suppositories or tablets.  The condition of the fetus and uterine activity is continuously monitored.  The induction of labor can be combined simultaneously or sequentially with several methods.  Induction is successful, when leading to maternal activity and birth.  Although very rare, sometimes despite the efforts of the team attempts, induction process does not lead to success.  In this case if there is no risk for the baby, mother could be left to rest and again apply induction.  Where it is found that the condition of the fetus deteriorated sharply, caesarean section is performed.
If you are not agree with having an induction.
 If you do not want to have induction, physicians will comply with your desire. However, when having problem with the pregnancy or the fetus is suffering and cannot wait for the process to begin spontaneously, experts will insist on your consent and assistance.  It is important to have confidence of professionals in the delivery room. Believe that everything they do is for the sake of your health and your baby.
When you enter in the third quarter of pregnancy, your desire to birth the baby can become extremely intense. Sometimes even in the 40th week of pregnancy is still no sign of the beginning of labor. If you want to avoid medical induced birth, there are several methods you could try at home.  Although there are many natural ways to induce labor, none has proven fully effective. However, if you are at the end of your pregnancy, maybe you're ready to try anything to start the labor. Inducing labor is practiced by women for many years. Most of the proposed methods are effective simply because the body is ready for it.
Walks are an easy way to stir the amniotic fluid with a little more luck and induce labor. Although movement may not cause birth, it stimulates the baby to take the correct starting position. Walking and movement as a whole, help some women cope with their contractions during the actual birth.
Has been shown that sexual intercourse in the third trimester of pregnancy to some extent can act to induce childbirth. Stimulation of birth using this natural method is not always convenient, but worth trying. Prostaglandins in semen may stimulate contractions. The same is obtained in achieving orgasm.
Stimulating the nipples
When woman stimulate their nipples is released oxytocin. When birth is caused by medical means, the pregnant woman is given artificial oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus. One potentially negative side effects of this method to naturally induce labor can lead to excessive, even hyper-stimulation of the uterus, so it requires immediate continuous monitoring by a specialist in order to ensure the safety of the baby.
Herbal medicines
Some midwives say blue or black kohosh  (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes)
 are one of the effective natural remedies to induce labor. The truth is that kohosh can help you only if you are already in the early stages of the actual birth.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is a powerful laxative, which can stimulate contractions of the uterus. To cause birth you could take up to 115 grams castor oil.
Spicy food
Finally a good excuse to eat spicy food. This natural method to induce labor is more myth and mostly causes heartburn and no contractions.
Removal of membranes
Technically this is one of the most natural methods to induce birth, since it does not require taking any medication. The procedure is performed by the doctor or midwife. It consists of manually removing the membranes at the base of the uterus. The procedure is as unpleasant as her name sounds ready to experience a feeling similar to that in a painful examination of reproductive organs in the pelvis. Although the method is mildly attractive, it is proven that he has little positive effect on the induction of labor. Of course anyway baby will not remain forever in the womb. If none of these natural ways to induce birth does not work, your doctor will induce labor before the end of 42 weeks of pregnancy.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

What to expect during pregnancy

What to expect during pregnancy: "What woman should expect during pregnancy? They are some difficulties on the way but when baby come I guarantee that you won't remember them. Symptoms like constipation, nausea, vomiting, pregnancy acids, swelling, acne, breast engorgement and stretch marks appearance will become a faint distant memory as soon as you see the face of your little angel." read full article

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Effective traditional recipe against infertility

This recipe is an alternative medicine, and it is particularly effective for infertility: Thoroughly mix 1 liter of olive oil, 1 kg sugar, 250 milliliters of mastic, 20 g ground black pepper, 20 g cinnamon powder, glass of red wine. Everything is poured into a jar and kept cool. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily , 20 minutes before food.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Get Pregnant Naturally Without Drugs or Typical Infertility Treatments.

Healthy Pregnancy
What Causes Female Infertility?

1. Ovulation problems
If ovulation does not occur, no eggs may be fertilized.

2. Age
Infertility increases with age. Women in their 30's who have been trying to get pregnant for six months should consult with their doctor. For a woman over the age of 35, conceiving may become a problem.

3. Weight
Maintaining a healthy body weight is vital for fertility.

4. Stress
High stress levels may interfere with ovulation and the body’s ability to conceive.

5. Smoking
Smoking may affect your ability to fall pregnant.

6. Poor diet
Avoid large quantities of sugary foods and caffeine as they have been associated with infertility.

7. Alcohol
Drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly may cause menstrual cycles to be irregular, increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the baby.

8. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
If you are planning on becoming pregnant, get tested for sexually transmitted diseases to prevent further fertility problems or spread of the disease.

9. Health problems that cause hormonal changes
Women who suffer from irregular periods or no menstrual periods, painful periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids or more than one miscarriage should consult their gynecologist or obstetrician.

For many years natural and holistic treatments have been used to enhance fertility in women. Treatments such as herbal and homeopathic remedies have a positive effect on the hormonal system, reproductive organs, and sex drive.

Why spend hours and hours tracking down information that may or may not be reliable, when you can learn everything you need to know about getting pregnant naturally.17 Success Stories about getting Pregnant Naturally Without Drugs

Many couples are going natural when it comes to fertility treatment. Natural methods can help in improving your fertility and can be an inexpensive option that can in certain cases alleviate female infertility and male fertility problems. Some couples even choose the gender of their child.Plan your baby boy or baby girl

Friday, August 27, 2010

Healthy, easy and enjoyable pregnancy

Being mom myself, I have realized that I can make my pregnancy easy and comfortable. During these 9 months you need all energy you can get!

1. Pregnancy pillow - at the beginning I used different size pillows but when the pregnancy advance I felt heap pain. It is good to sleep turn to the left because the blood flow is better and more oxygen reaches the baby. When I start putting on weight I got the pregnancy pillow (which I still use). I was angry with myself because I didn’t have that pillow earlier and I let myself suffer with heap pain for a while. I could not get proper sleep and that wasn’t good for both of us.

Todays Mom Cozy Comfort Pregnancy Pillow

Lamaze Cotton Spandex Sleep Bra for Nursing and Maternity
2. Maternity bra – very, very important. I am proud of myself getting those on time. They are soft, comfortable and offered great support. Breast during pregnancy changes rapidly and gets with few numbers bigger. The maternity bra should be used even during trough the night. If you want to keep you shape before pregnancy it is necessary to use them. After delivery you can get nursing bra if you are planning on nursing.

Burt's Bees Mama Bee Body Oil>

3. Massage & Bath Oils – If you want to keep your skin without any stretch marks and blemishes use natural oils. Try to spend some time in the bath. It will help you to relax and it will relieve stress, tension and pain!

Yoga for Pregnancy: Ninety-Two Safe, Gentle Stretches Appropriate for Pregnant Women & New Mothers
4. Prenatal Exercises – sign for prenatal yoga classes or palates, aerobics. The truth is that being around another pregnant woman you can get full moral support and understanding. Plus you self-esteem will be tickled with the exercise and happy.

Your Pregnancy Week By Week

5. Pregnancy book – I got one for the 9 months before the baby comes (week by week guide) , and one for the first year of the baby. Those two books save me from getting panicked in the middle of the night and rushing to the Doctors office for no reason. Having read the books over and over again I fell much more secure and in control of the situation. It is true that now a days there is a lot of information online but those books are written by Doctors and it was almost as I had the doctors in home with me.

Your Baby's First Year Week by Week

Those two are great overview books. They give enough information to understand the baby's development over the first year, yet is not overwhelming with detail. Great for new parents. Here you will see the latest techniques for raising a baby. It is easy to read and understand, but should not be construed as a detailed medical guide to caring for a baby.

6. Nutrition - You will give up your own essential nutrients to provide health and growth for her developing baby. Here are top 10 vitamins and minerals for ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

Spring Valley-50 mg,200 Ct

• Zinc
Zink deficiency - the most common and problematic deficiency during pregnancy. Help for proper growth and developing a healthy immune system for the baby. Be sure to get at least 15 milligrams per day of zinc in your diet, which can be found in high protein foods such as meat and beans.

Nature Made Folic Acid with DHA - 100 Softgels

• Folic Acid
Getting enough folic acid is critical both before and during pregnancy to help assure proper growth and to prevent birth defects. My Doctor recommended three months before pregnancy occur to start with the folic acid. It is easy to predict the time of pregnancy if it is an IVF. Folic acid have in deep green, leafy vegetables. Women should get at least 400 to 800 micrograms per day. Five minutes before taking Folic Acid drink a glass of OJ. Vitamin C helps for faster absorption.

Nature Made Magnesium Supplement, 250 mg, 200-Count Tablets (Pack of 3)

• Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency increases the possibility of high blood pressure and seizures during pregnancy, a condition known as eclampsia. To prevent this, take 200 milligrams of magnesium daily. Whole grains, green leafy and other vegetables and nuts are good sources of magnesium.

Nature Made Super Vitamin B-Complex with Vitamin C - 300 Tablets

• B Vitamins
Take approximately 25 to 50 milligrams a day of B vitamins and plenty of vitamin B12 for normal nerve function.

Nature Made Fish Oil 1200 MG Mega Size 300 Count Bottle

• Fish Oils
The human brain is made predominantly of DHA, an essential fatty acid found in fish oils. DHA may also decrease the risk of postpartum depression. If you don’t like fish an excellent alternative is to take pills.

Rainbow Light Just Once Food-Based Calcium Tablets, 180-Count Bottles (Pack of 2)

• Calcium
Ideally, pregnant women should ingest 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day plus 400-600 units of vitamin D. It is best to take calcium at night, it helps with sleep. Each cup of milk or yogurt contains 400 milligrams of calcium.

Spring Valley - Iron 65 mg, 200 Tablets - Equivalent to 325 mg Ferrous Sulfate, Twin Pack

• Iron
Approximately 18 to 36 milligrams of iron per day can be helpful. And pregnant women who don't get enough iron are at risk for anemia, fatigue, poor memory and decreased immune function.

• Water
Be sure to drink plenty of water.

• Thyroid
Take a TSH blood test to check your thyroid. TSH has to be less than 3 or you need treatment. Undiagnosed hypothyroidism, may lead to miscarriage, and is associated with learning disabilities when the child is born.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

IVF Implantation Failure Implantation failure

IVF Implantation Failure Implantation failure is the failure of an embryo to implant during an IVF cycle.

Some doctors will call failure of a single in vitro fertilization cycle implantation failure. Others maintain that it is not implantation failure until a couple has failed to achieve pregnancy despite several in vitro fertilization failures. Still others look at the total number of embryos transferred as opposed to the number of treatment attempts.

Implantation failure can be divided into three areas:
  • Problems with the embryos,
  • Problems with the “host uterus” ,
  • Problems in the interaction between the embryo and uterus.
What is the best time to transfer embryos in an IVF cycle?

Many IVF programs still perform embryo transfers three days after the egg retrieval. This is known as a cleavage stage or day three embryo transfer. After only three days in laboratory culture, the embryos have typically divided into six or eight cells. It is difficult, at this point in embryo development, to accurately predict which embryos have the best developmental potential.

Some embryos which look great on day three stop developing or develop poorly over the next two days. Alternatively, embryos which didn’t appear to be the best on day three will improve and become very high quality embryos by day five.

Several studies in the past few years have determined that blastocyst transfer is a viable method for improving the chance for IVF implantation. The chance for IVF implantation is higher with a day five transfer than a day three transfer.

Assisted Hatching
Before an embryo can implant in the lining of the uterine cavity, it must first break out or “hatch” from the shell that surrounds it. This allows the embryo to come into direct contact with the cells of the uterine lining. This shell around the embryo is called the zona pellucida. It has been thought by some researchers that IVF implantation may fail in some cases because of the inability of the embryo to hatch out of the zona pellucida. Furthermore, some studies seemed to show that if the hatching process was assisted by creating an artificial opening or thinning of the zona pellucida, the chances for IVF implantation could be increased.

Uterine infection
The inside of the uterine cavity is normally considered to be a sterile environment. It has been strongly suspected that infection of the uterine cavity with bacteria may cause an inhospitable environment that would lead to failure of embryos to implant.

Immune factors as a cause for IVF implantation failure
The immune system is designed to protect individuals from infection with microorganisms and to fight off abnormal processes in the body like cancer. On occasion, the immune system can malfunction and cause harm to an individual through a variety of different mechanisms.

A review of some of the areas that have been looked at follows:
  • Anti-phospholipid antibodies (APA)
  • Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
  • Antibodies to alpha-2 glycoprotein 1
  • Anti-Thyroid Antibodies
  • Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells, CD56 Cells)
  • Thrombophilias
  • Empiric use of anticoagulants for implantation failure

You can get more information using this Forum

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ten useful home treatment for cellulite

1. Coffee grinds! Do this every morning and rinse after about 5 minutes of exfoliating with the grinds. After the shower, MASSAGE on a Palmers Cocoa Butter Massage Stretch Mark Cream+ vitamin E + collagen lotion
or oil.

2. Drinking 3 glasses a day of freshly squeezed lemons in 1 cup water and a pinch of cayennewill also melt away the cellulite.

3. Prepare a mixture of rosemaryand fennelessential oil to three teaspoons of carrier oil, such as sweet almond
oil. Rub this mixture on cellulite affected region daily.

4. Eat a low fat, high fiber diet containing plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits to reduce cellulite problem. Check The Fiber35 Diet: Nature's Weight Loss Secret

5. Eliminate your intake of alcohol, coffee, soda and cigarette smoke to further aid your quest to end cellulite.

6. Massage with Coconut Oil
proves to be very useful in treating cellulite.

7. Prepare a mixture of dried thyme with small amount of grapefruit juice and corn oil and apply to your cellulite affected region.

8. You can also massaging with the oil containing almond oil and rosemary oil. Each oil in equal ratio (1:1) and apply on the cellulite area like hips, buttocks, thighs.

9. Oral Remedy
• Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into an 8 ounce glass of water.
• Optionally add a small amount of honey as a sweetener.
• Drink this once each morning.

10. Topical Remedy
• Mix 3 parts apple cider vinegar with one part of your favorite massage oil.
• Gently knead this solution onto affected skin areas twice daily.
• This massage treatment will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Selected Books and Products for fighting with cellulite

Friday, January 1, 2010

Selected Baby Albums and Diary

Baby Diary

With Baby Diary, you can record your baby milestones in an easy way. Using nice tools and menus you can store text, audio and video information about your baby's prenatal development, delivery, first steps or any other categories. You also have the option of adding your own categories. Baby Diary features the ability of audio recording and keeping age counters for each note. You can use this feature in order to interview with your baby and store its first words and sentences.
In addition, you can control the baby growth process by creating charts of its weight, length, and head circumference from birth to 36 months of age. Finally, Baby Diary provides you with easy-to-use interface, which makes it easy to create your own charts of the baby development and web books including photos, notes, age calculations and charts.
Now your baby's childhood memories will always be there for you. You can keep adding new features to it with the free upgrades.


  • Easy to use drag & drop user interface.
  • Can keep diaries for several babies.
  • Allows creating your own hierarchy of notes categories.
  • For each category has sortable list of notes with drag & drop support.
  • Automatically calculates age in days, months and years for each note.
  • Age counters have special prenatal period handling.
  • Date range filter for notes.
  • Supports different versions of Windows Media Player.
  • Can be configured to use an external video player.
  • Ability of audio recording.
  • Chart dialog with ability to dynamically resize and rescale charts.
  • Ability of printing only needed area of growth chart.
  • Weight, Length, Head circumference charts from 0 to 36 months.
  • Ability of creating your own parameters for creating custom growth charts.
  • Can print the whole diary with all photos,notes,age calculations and growth charts.
  • Backup and restore database functions.
  • Auto backup of database.
  • Mutli-language interface, including English, Malay, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian.