Stem cells, which are present in the blood, have proved very successful in treating many diseases. Cord blood is blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta after the baby is born. In the past we used to throw them away after delivery. Now stem cells are used to treat cancer, genetic diseases, leukemia, some immune and blood diseases.
Cord blood contains the same valuable cells that are found in bone marrow. They build the blood and the immune systems. Inside the cord blood these cells are still undeveloped and because of that they don’t need to match as closely for a transplant as bone-marrow blood does.
Before your baby’s birth, you may request that the baby’s cord blood be collected and banked for future use. Latter the blood could be used by your child, siblings or parents. Immediately after delivery the blood is collected from the umbilical cord. The procedure is absolutely painless for mother and child. The blood is collected after the umbilical cord is detached from you and the baby.
After collected the blood is transported to a banking facility where it is frozen and cryogenically stored. Usually storing cost is around 1500$ -initial fee and then every year fee of 100 $ - for storage, but prices may vary depend on the facility. Blood storage is not covered by insurance. I believe in the near future this will change because the most precious gift that you can give your baby is his chances of surviving diseases that until now has no cure for.
I know that is it extra expense coming in time where you have many but this is a very important expense. Give you baby a safe start.
But if you decided not to safe the baby’s cord blood, think about donating it. A nonprofit bank can match it with someone who needs it.
For more information check this book:
Stem Cells For Dummies®"